Güney Amerika bölgesinde yapılacak benzersiz şeyler

Güney Amerika bölgesinde yapılacak benzersiz şeyler

Yerel halk tarafından ev sahipliği yapılan unutulmaz etkinlikleri Airbnb üzerinden rezerve edin.

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Graffiti Tour Comuna Trece And Street Food
What does the tour include? - Local guide in Spanish or English - Delicious Empanadas - Fried platane with mashed up tomato and onion - Mini Sausages - Mango ice cream - Know the story behind many graffiti - Visit the escalators of Comuna 13 - Artistic Shows in Comuna 13 - Visit another neighborhood called Independencia 2 And much more. What will we do? First we will go up the mountain called Independencia 1, wich one is the neightborhood with more graffitis in all Medellín, and we will be explainig you the history behind a lot of graffitis. Then we'll go inside my Grandmother's home (this is when the guide is Jamerson or Jeaneth). We'll try an expecial and typical mango ice cream with salt and lemon wich one is including in the tour, and inside my Grandmother's home I will explain you everything about the painful past of la Comuna 13, and our personal histories like locals of la Comuna 13 as well. Then we will take the escalators that leads to the top of the mountain, and I will show you an amazing viewpoint to see all Medellin City, (here we will try more local food). Then we'll go to Independencia 2 to see more about the second part of the history, explaining about the biggest urban mass grave in a all the world, Present and Transformation of the Comuna 13 as well. After we will go back to the meeting point to do the end of the tour.
Conexión verde
Queremos inspirar a todo aquel que quiera ser conocedor de nuestras experiencias haciendo parte de la belleza colombiana. Llegarás al lugar donde sucederán los hechos, conocerás el hermoso sendero de nuestros bosques de niebla, cascadas y ríos. La idea de esta experiencia es conectarse con la pacha mama (naturaleza), entrar en donde habitan pumas, tigrillos, zarigüeyas, orquídeas y aves especialmente el cacique candela y muchas especies más que habitan en esta reserva natural, a tan solo 40 minutos de la ciudad de Medellín. La hora y punto de partida es a las 9:00 AM en montañita hostel ubicado en la direccion calle 10#43c-13 iremos en vehículo particular hasta la arenales que es el punto de partida de la caminata ecológica, estaremos de regreso, aproximadamente a las 14:00 PM. Otros aspectos destacables incluye transporte snacks seguros recuerden llevar ropa comoda
Experience an Argentine Soccer Game
Argentine Football is great for its chaos and unpredictability - with my help you can enjoy the mayhem with none of the hassle. Fixture lists & schedules are announced late, I follow the local football news closely and can pick the best game available each weekend. We'll meet at a central location (per team) & travel the easiest, safest route to the game with the fans (BA is huge!). I'll give you context on the team's history and their current situation and which players to watch. I’ll help you navigate the various Police & Stewarding controls and find the best point of entry as many access points are closed. Inside we'll be close to the action, a perfect view of the game, and as importantly, the Ultra fan groups. The Barra Brava are illicit organised fan groups and a key to the occasion - we'll see them from a safe distance providing the noise & colour. Argentine grounds are quite old and ill-maintained, while this is great aesthetically, it means they don’t have the best health & safety measures and a disappointed crowd can be impatient - again, I’ll be with you to ensure there is no trouble leaving the ground. Other things to note: You'll be safe but follow the guide's advice. The match will depend on ticket availability and this can affect prices. Photo ID may be required in advance We may not need transport - so less waiting! Tickets, Food, Beer included!
Buenos Aires for curious people
:: Please, check the language options by date before booking :: Discover Buenos Aires from an anthropological point of view. Don't expect to just walk and listen: be prepared to talk, make questions and discuss about the past, present and future of the Argentinean capital. Beginning in Lezama Park and ending in Casa Rosada, this walk offers you the chance to approach this beautiful city from its historical past in an attempt to understand its current present. Who were the first inhabitants? Why were the British so interested in this shores? Where is the African-descendant population? Where did all these white people come from? What is the deal with Evita and Perón? Who were the "desaparecidos" during the military dictatorship? And why do we have such a big problem with the US dollar? These are just some of the many questions we will try to answer in our walk through the most historical part of town.
Cooking as a Colombian
At the beginning of the class, we start by describing all the ingredients we will be using while sharing the history of the dish, why it is so popular, and how it is typically presented in our region, Cartagena. As part of our experience, we will teach you how to prepare a main course from start to finish, using your own hands. You will peel, cut, and season all the ingredients in accordance with our local traditions. Each person will have the opportunity to boil, fry, or grill their food, providing you with a unique culinary experience as you taste dishes that you may not have had the chance to prepare before. The class will be conducted in both English and Spanish, accompanied by background music that harmonizes and integrates what you are learning with the cultural and historical context of the dish. At the end of our class, you will enjoy a full meal that will not only be delicious but will also become an unforgettable memory of your trip to Colombia. Once the experience with the chef is complete, you can choose your preferred beverage in one of our climate-controlled areas, where you will enjoy your delicious meals.

Yerel halk tarafından sevilenler

Imersão no mundo dos Cafés Especiais
Já imaginou ter a incrível oportunidade de vivenciar todas as etapas do café especial? Desde o conhecimento sobre o grão verde até explorar diversos métodos de preparo e, no final, ter a experiência de torrar o seu próprio café? Em meio a uma agradável conversa, acompanhada por deliciosas xícaras de café, mergulharemos na fascinante jornada da cadeia do café especial, desde o cultivo da planta até chegar à sua xícara. Será uma imersão prática e interativa, onde você terá a chance de se envolver diretamente, participando ativamente de cada etapa. Aprenderá a selecionar o café verde, obterá informações valiosas sobre os rótulos dos cafés, experimentará diferentes técnicas de preparo da bebida (utilizando até 5 métodos distintos), e também receberá uma introdução à arte de provar café. E para encerrar com chave de ouro, após algumas orientações, você terá a oportunidade de torrar o seu próprio café. Desenvolvemos um método que proporciona uma experiência agradável, prática e descontraída, transmitindo um conteúdo rico de maneira leve e envolvente.
Experiência Fotográfica na Avenida Paulista
Prepare-se para vivenciar um dia extraordinário capturando momentos em um dos deslumbrantes parques de São Paulo, acompanhado por um talentoso fotógrafo. Durante o ensaio, exploraremos um roteiro que encanta todos os turistas, e posso garantir que nossas fotos serão verdadeiras obras de arte! Detalhes do Ensaio: - Este ensaio fotográfico é uma imersão em momentos espontâneos, seja pela manhã ou à tarde, com duração de até 1 horas. - Você receberá de 30 a 40 fotos editadas em alta resolução em até 3 dias após o ensaio, enviadas através de um link no G. Drive. Em caso de chuva, podemos remarcar sem qualquer inconveniente. - Sinta-se à vontade para compartilhar qualquer pedido especial que tenha em mente. Se tiver um local específico em mente para a sessão de fotos, estou totalmente aberto a sugestões e animado para ouvir suas ideias. :) Será um prazer recebê-lo e tenho certeza de que esta será uma experiência memorável. Se surgirem dúvidas, basta enviar uma mensagem aqui no Airbnb ou pelo Insta.: @wolfart._ Até lá! Rodrigo Rodrigues
Conheçam a gastronômia Venezuelana
Na minha experiência, você pode participar e ficar a vontade disfrutando das delicias do meu país, colocando toda sua energia em degustar cada um dos pratos servidos na mesa, entre eles algumas sobremesa Venezuelanas como nosso bolo de 3 leites, também vou te falar pouco sobre os ingredientes e a história da nossa culinaria. E no final vc poderá levar para casa alem de umá linda experiência gastronomica, uma porçao da comidinha que vc mais gostou. É uma experiência única para compartilhar com amigos e familiares!! Outras observações Por favor nos informe se você tem alguma condição alimentar ou alergia, para que possamos fazer todo personalizado com muito carinho.
Jewelry Making Class and Drinks, Leave With Your Own Piece
PT - Nossa Experiência de Aula de Joalheria vai te ensinar como fazer sua própria joia com a criadora e designer da "189. Joalheria Contemporânea Brasileira" Stephanie Perla. Você vai fazer a peça do zero e sair com sua peça única. Venha encontrar o joalheiro que há dentro de você com muita risada, conversa boa e um drink para finalizar! Te espero na 189.joalheria para um dia de muita arte! EN - Our Jewelry Class Experience will teach you how to make your own jewel with our creator and designer of "189. Joalheria Contemporânea Brasileira" Stephanie Perla. You'll make it from scratch and leave the class with your one of a kind piece. Come find your inner jeweler with lots of laughter, good talk and afterwards cheer with a drink. ESP - Nuestra Experiencia de Clase de Fabricación de Joyas le enseñará a fabricar sus propias joyas con "189. Joalheria Contemporânea Brasileira" y diseñadora Stephanie Perla. Harás la pieza desde cero y te irás con tu propia pieza única. ¡Ven a encontrar al joyero que llevas dentro con muchas risas, buena conversación y un drink para terminar!
Rota da cachaça
O QUE FAREMOS Durante o evento, com duração de aproximadamente 1h30, o grupo, de no máximo 10 pessoas, fará uma "viagem sensorial" ao universo da cachaça, na qual conhecerá um pouco sobre a história da bebida e sua relação com a história do Brasil e será guiado em uma degustação de diversos tipos de cachaça: da prata (sem envelhecimento) à ouro (armazenada ou envelhecida em diversos tipos de madeiras). O QUE ESTÁ INCLUÍDO Os participantes receberão um welcome drink ao chegarem. Depois ouvirão uma rápida apresentação sobre a cachaça e passarão a degustar diferentes tipos de cachaça, sendo: 2 tipos de cachaça prata 3 tipos de cachaça ouro 1 tipo de petisco Água à vontade O QUE MAIS VOCÊ DEVE SABER Nossa experiência acontece em uma área especial do restaurante, fechada para o público em geral de terça a sexta, das 12 às 19h. Além da degustação, todos receberão noções básicas para identificar a cachaça de qualidade e também dicas sobre as melhores cachaças para preparação de drinks famosos como a capirinha. Outras observações Se preferirem, os hóspedes podem solicitar como ponto de encontro a Estação Santa Cecília do Metrô, de onde serão conduzidos a pé, caminhando até o local da Experiência (em torno de 15 minutos de caminhada).

Benzersizliği için yüksek puan alanlar

Experience the Africa hidden in Colombia
We will take a cultural walk around the Palenqe of Benkos, off the beaten path, where you will be immersed in the Africa hidden in Colombia. We named it Black Legacy Experience, because it is definitely an essential place for our black history in Colombia. This town hosts a sort of spin off of Cartagena's history in timeline. We are new in Airbnb, but you can check out a bit of our trajectory on IG @blacklegacyexperiences We’ll pick you up, and here begins our journey. We’ll be on the road for around 60 minutes. There, we meet our friend, the native guide and we start our walk. We visit meaningful spots such as the monuments of Benkos Biohó (the town founder) and Kid Pambelé (World Boxing Champion) and the Traditional medicine yard, among others. After that, we conclude with a glorious traditional lunch. We also learn some words in their language as we tell you the story, so you'll be able to greet natives and you'll receive, not only their greeting back, but also their smiles. So, be prepared to interact and experience this community of resistant and warm people. BTW: We manage this experience by private circles for your safety and comfort, so please check your price depending on the number of people you’re coming with. Applies for solo, couple or group travelers. Any questions, DO NOT hesitate to contact us. Sigifredo Calvo is our friend and vehicle provider
Tango auténtico con un bailarín
Bailar Tango es una apertura del alma hacia la otra persona con la que bailas, es un sentir mágico que de entenderlo o sentirlo, comprendes de forma automática que es un estilo de vida y del porque este movimiento perduró en el tiempo hasta el día de hoy, que se sigue viviendo en diferentes bares y rincones de la ciudad. Esta experiencia es para eso! No es sólo verlo o conocerlo…. Es entenderlo, vivirlo y sobre todo sentirlo! Y como vamos a conseguir todo esto? - Iremos a una pequeña y antigua mansión en el corazón de San Telmo (barrio tanguero) donde podremos estar relajados al aire libre en la terraza en privado para nosotros. - Haremos juntos una clase de tango grupal (no es obligatorio hacerlo, pero si recomendable) aprenderemos lo básico para luego poder bailar junto a la gente local. - Ahora si, vamos a la milonga!!!! la milonga es el lugar donde la gente local va a bailar (auto privado incluido) - Show Al final... veremos un show de una orquesta en vivo o una pareja de bailarines.
Lima Shanty Town Tour- Local Life Experience
This is a UNIQUE anthropologist experience, you will have the opportunity to be part of the daily activities of locals that live in the real Lima, it is a rich cultural experience you will always remember! You will get the opportunity to see how a large majority of Lima's population truly lives in happines ambience and community system. At Haku Tours, we want you to see 'the real' Lima. While you slowly make your way to the base of the hill, our guide will explain a little about the community and its developments, the urbanization projects, politics, religion, and how Haku helps in the area. Gradually, you will begin your journey up the famous "yellow stairs", pause for a few pictures of the amazing views in greater Lima, get a glimpse into homes, and interact with neighbors and families we meet during this local life experience. During the tour, we will also visit a local daycare center and the friendly families from this nice community. Remember this tour is about to know people, who will share with you their culture, traditions, beliefs, and thoughts. Notes: If we can visit the Shanty Town communities is because we have asked permission from the local leaders. This experience includes pick up and drop off from Miraflores, Barranco and San Isidro.
Crea tu propio anillo de esmeralda colombiana
Colombia is known as the coffee country, well, we got much more history linked to the “green gold”. Emeralds are part of the selected group of precious stones and the 60% of them in the world are originally from Colombia. Become part of the Emerald legend, by creating a ring with your own hands. This tour starts by having an introduction about the importance of emeralds for precolonial and colonial culture. We will go through the emerald and jewelry district to learn about the history of the precious metals and stones and its influence in Colombian culture. We will take a look at the emerald market to see the different minerals and qualities. Then we will work on your new ring, where you will decide all! the design, the stone and material, by the personal advisory of a orfebre (jewelry master) who teaches you how to do every single step.
We will spend between 3 or 4 hours horseback riding. We´ll leave from RESERVA GUADALAJARA - Finca hotel to visit the pastures of "Puerta de Palo" where we have milking cows. Then we cross San Pacho´s Creek and Armadillo tail in search of Elephant Rock. it's just the beginning... In the way you will enjoy crossing rivers and creeks and watching birds. But we need to climb to the top of THE ELEPHANT ROCK... a privileged and exclusive place where we can see the beautiful cocora valley and the white waters of Quindio River. After enjoying the landscape, we will cross the mountain in search of the Puma corner and ELF FOREST. We will leave the horses outside to protect the plants and the wax palms that are born inside. If you want to imagine this forest, remember those of Jurassic Park but with a big difference ... You will be walking inside them. Finally, we will return to the farm house where the safety cowboys will bathe and feed the horses in gratitude with them for having given us a beautiful experience. For you a good beer or ice tea. Would you like to go? We leave after 9:00 a.m. RESTRICTIONS. - Our experience is not designed for children under 15 years. - It is not suitable for overweight people. - People over 60 years must have experience

Güney Amerika yakınındaki tüm faaliyetler

Two Brothers the most beautiful hike in Rio
Hike Two Brothers - Brings you to arguably the best view in Rio! An experience for the more adventurous, going up the Favela via **MOTO TAXI** and then hiking up the trail, passing through a territory unknown (Favela Vidigal). The view stretches 365 degrees around the city. You'll see the Christ statue, Lagoa, Sugar Loaf, Ilhas Cagarras, Niterói and the Bay of Rio which are all visible at the peak. There isn't another place in the city of Rio besides Pedra da Gávea that has this unique view! ****(We also offer the best rated and most impactful FAVELA TOUR here in Rio de Janeiro). Dont just book any tour. **** Come with Experience Rio, why? 1. We employ guides from Vidigal. 2. It's always better to have a local guide when entering a Favela. 3. With experience Rio, you will be led by professional guides with knowledge about the history of Vidigal/Rocinha + Rio. 4. Our guides are here to specifically make sure your time is amazing, we will show you all the best places for photos and of course take a few for the gram! 4. (5%) of profits goes to cleaning the trail + reforestation. 5. 15% goes back to the Favela through our Favela tour (so please check it out!) *READ:The hike is medium/hard level with difficult rock inclines!! 1 hr of hiking UP which equates to roughly 350M in elevation. NOT recommend for those with health issues or who doesn't hike. Book a private tour!
Tour a la Laguna Humantay en un día
Muy temprano por la mañana nuestro transporte realizará el recojo para empezar este maravilloso Tour en dirección rumbo a los pueblos de Mollepata y Soraypampa. Viajará por 2 horas hasta el poblado de Mollepata, lugar donde tendrá el delicioso desayuno por unos 40 minutos aproximadamente. Luego del desayuno continuará su camino hasta Soraypampa por aproximadamente 1 hora, allí descenderá del vehículo y nuestro guía dará todas las indicaciones necesarias para la caminata, tendrá 10 minutos para prepararse e iniciar la caminata. La caminata a la Laguna Humantay durará 1 hora y media aproximadamente observando el bello paisaje hasta llegar a la bellísima laguna turquesa. Tendrá tiempo suficiente para disfrutar de la magia del lugar, descansar y llevar una ofrenda a los Apus. Finalizando la visita volverá hasta nuestro vehículo el cual lo llevará hasta Mollepata donde tendrá un delicioso almuerzo buffet. Luego del almuerzo viajará por aproximadamente 2 horas hasta Cusco donde nuestro transporte lo llevará hasta el centro de la ciudad. Otros aspectos destacables Tener 2 dias de permanencia previa en Cusco para aclimatarse y hacer el tour sin problema.
Manuel Antonio National Park Guided Tour
**IMPORTANT INFORMATION** After 4 persons 5% Discount Request different times. This Experience is available PRIVATE Private Tours Starting $59 per person Inquire First for private tours to provide information. Are you Looking for Animals and have an amazing experience? We will set off from the World- Famous Manuel Antonio National Park. For the next 2 hours, you will be taken through several trails in our quest to spot animals. As a Certified ICT Nature Specialist, We will be helping you to discover many different species of animals hidden or camouflaged in plain sight and sharing interesting facts and behaviors learned by guiding tours for over 14 years. During the tour, Videos in 4K and pictures of your favorite animals will be taken through our top-of-the-line Swarovski Crystals Spotting ATX Scope for FREE adding those fantastic memories to your vacations. Wildlife at the park is exuberant, sloths, monkeys, toucans, different species of birds, butterflies, lizards, iguanas, crabs, and insects. All these animals and much more could be seen on our way to Manuel Antonio Beach. After seeing so much wildlife and having an amazing time our tour will end at Manuel Antonio Beach, considered by many the most beautiful beach in Costa Rica. See you soon on our tour. Announcements Admissions feeds are $5.65 (children) and $18.08 (adult) in addition to the price.
Street food like a local
*This experience is not for vegans, its not gluten free or lactose free. For vegetarians is fine under order ( so let us know your dietary restrictions) FOR CHEESE LOVERS * We need at least 3 people to guide the experience, if you are solo traveller try to book days where we already have reservations Becasuse the heat, this experience is not recommended for chilcren under 5 years old If you are visiting Cartagena de Indias and want to discover the most incredible flavors, then you need to eat like a local so you will understand what are the unmissable recipes between cartageneros. We will start this experience by learning bout the Chinese influence in our culture. Our first stop has been the oldest restaurant in the city with more than 90 years old and the only one that has had 3 generations in charge. We will try the most incredible combination of Chinese and local flavors. We will also try the local soda which is one of the oldest soda in the world and we will be allowed to learn about the different preparations with this soda. Afterwards we will visit the most popular bakery in the old city with more than 30 years old. We will try a Colombian bread and we will discover how we match the salted with the sweet in a pastry. Then, we will try the best way to eat plantain . We will also try different fruits
Street food, bars, and rooftops in Poblado with a local
*This tour is just for adults (from 18 years) and we only host it in English. During the walk in El Poblado, you will taste 5 delicious types of Colombian street food, learn about their preparation, and ingredients. You will learn about Colombian gastronomy and culture. **Please don’t get dinner before the tour so you can eat all the included snacks. El Poblado is the area with the largest gastronomic and entertainment offer in the city, which you should definitely explore, to know the best places to have fun and it feels safe to walk around. Our tour guides will recommend great nightclubs, restaurants, and different activities to do in Medellin, so you can enjoy more your vacations here. In addition to food stops, you will also visit 2 bars, one of them is located on a rooftop with a breathtaking view of the mountains, where you could get delicious cocktails and hang out with other travelers. Join the tour and you will: 1. Try new food 2. Visit an amazing rooftop 3. Get recommendations for bars and restaurants 4. Make friends with common interests ***If you see that no one has booked, don't worry, we usually have more reservations on other platforms :) **If there are no more places, please send us a message ;) **We don't have gluten-free food options **We don't have food options for vegans **This tour is not recommended for people with reduced mobility.
Experience an Argentine Soccer Game
Argentine Football is great for its chaos and unpredictability - with my help you can enjoy the mayhem with none of the hassle. Fixture lists & schedules are announced late, I follow the local football news closely and can pick the best game available each weekend. We'll meet at a central location (per team) & travel the easiest, safest route to the game with the fans (BA is huge!). I'll give you context on the team's history and their current situation and which players to watch. I’ll help you navigate the various Police & Stewarding controls and find the best point of entry as many access points are closed. Inside we'll be close to the action, a perfect view of the game, and as importantly, the Ultra fan groups. The Barra Brava are illicit organised fan groups and a key to the occasion - we'll see them from a safe distance providing the noise & colour. Argentine grounds are quite old and ill-maintained, while this is great aesthetically, it means they don’t have the best health & safety measures and a disappointed crowd can be impatient - again, I’ll be with you to ensure there is no trouble leaving the ground. Other things to note: You'll be safe but follow the guide's advice. The match will depend on ticket availability and this can affect prices. Photo ID may be required in advance We may not need transport - so less waiting! Tickets, Food, Beer included!
Island Hopping Vip - Rosario Islands paradise - Snorkel
PROGRAM Departure Time: 830 a.m. Return Time: 430 pm Submerge yourself in the Caribbean Sea’s crystal-clear waters and discover the vibrant marine life that inhabits it on an island-hopping group tour from Cartagena to the Rosario Islands. This full-day excursion offers a perfect combination of relaxation, exploration, and underwater fun for an incredible getaway. Itinerary highlights include snorkeling in Corales del Rosario National Park, relaxing on Isleta, and lunch on Isla grande. -Take a full-day tour in Colombia that everyone can enjoy. -Enjoy a break from the hustle and bustle of Cartagena. -Eat lunch at a traditional Colombian restaurant. -Use provided snorkel gear to observe native marine life. - Transportation by sports boat with sound system, captain, and assistant, to the Rosario Islands, departing from Cartagena. - 2 Snorkel sessions. ( The 2nd snorkel session is optional and depends on the ocean conditions.) - Stop at a private house for some snacks and beach. - Stop at Isla grande for lunch. Bilingual guide (Spanish/English) throughout the tour. - Exercise : Snorkel with mask and instructor. You must know how to swim to be able to snorkel. Remember in this experience we are a shared group, respect and good treatment is important.
Condado City Lights - LED Night Paddle
Our award winning LED Night Kayak excursion is unlike anything you've ever done before! Upon check-in, put on your colorful glow paint, aka “War Paint” and snap some great photos! Your guides will then provide a quick “Kayak 101.” (Make sure to listen up, this is key to a FUN and safe adventure). Ready, set, GLOW! Enjoy the LED glow of your kayak as well as the CITY LIGHTS surrounding the entire lagoon. These skyline views are breathtaking! This is truly a great way to see the city from a different perspective and have an absolute blast while doing so. What else? Our kayaks have CLEAR bottoms, like a glass-bottom boat - you may even spot a Seastar near the mangroves! This guided Urban Adventure is a "must do" when visiting San Juan. Don't miss out, paddle out, and "Experience the GLOW!" Notes: - Our 6pm tour is our "Dusk to Dark" tour. It'll be completely dark by 6:15pm. - Time on the water = 45 minutes. Plenty of time on land before and after for photos with glow paint, tiki torches, etc. - Complimentary storage area is available, at your own risk. We are not responsible for damaged, lost, or stolen items. - Kayaks are 2 person kayaks. Maximum weight per kayak is 400lbs. Maximum weight per person is 285lbs.
Lima City Walking Tour with pick-up and drop off
We are going to pick you up from your accommodation or meeting point and with our expert local guide, we'll take you to a fascinating walking tour around our historical center. We will visit the highlights of the Historic Center of Lima such as the San Martin Square, Plaza de Armas, Jiron de la Union (main pedestrian street), Government palace (panoramic view), Cathedral (panoramic view), Pasaje Santa Rosa, Convent of Santo Domingo (panoramic view), cherry of the cake is to visit inside the " Convent of San Francisco and its awesome catacombs"! Our historical center is considered a World Heritage Site protected by Unesco since 1991 because of all the colonial buildings the city has. Lima also stands as one of the oldest capital in South America as it was founded by the Spaniards in 1535 and became the "City of the kings", the most important city for the Spanish Viceroyalty in the whole continent! After this great day! we will leave you at your accommodation. Notes: Recommend to wear comfortable clothes and shoes, sunglasses, sunscreen, and a hat, take a bottle of water with you and a spare battery for your camera. This experience includes pick up and drop off from Miraflores, Barranco and San Isidro.
Super Valle Sagrado con guia experto y almuerzo Buffet
Este fantastico recorrido que dura todo el dia, estaremos visitando 5 centros arqueologicos, importantes por su arquitectura y majestuosidad de sus construcciones, iniciaremos esta aventura visitando Chinchero, donde conoceremos el Centro Arqueologico y el proceso de la obtencion de lana y teñido de las mismas para los fabulosos tejidos originales de la zona. Luego nos dirigiremos a Moray, importante por la forma de sus andenes para la agricultura, seguidamente visitaremos las Minas de Sal de Maras. Aproximadamente a medio dia tendremos un almuerzo Buffet con los alimentos propios de la zona, esto antes de visitar la majestuosa arquitectura de Ollantaytambo, la ciudad Inca viviente en al actualidad. Finalmente visitaremos el Centro Arqueologico de Pisaq, importante por su ubicacion en epoca Inca. En todo el recorrido visitaremos 3 tiendas locales donde se ofrecen a la venta productos hechos por los mismos pobladores revalorando productos 100% naturales, asi mismo el guia nos brindará toda la informacion de cada lugar a visitar. Quisa podamos sentir que vamos un poco apresurados, pero solo es para poder visitar todos los lugares indicados en la descripción, siempre compartiendo información y haciendo ameno todo el viaje. NOTA IMPORTANTE: Los ingresos NO estan incluidos en el precio, por lo que tendras que traer 90 soles, en efectivo (soles) para estos.
Paracas Islands & The Oasis of Huacachina in Ica Day-Tour
The Paracas Ica Day Tour is a must-visit destination for anyone who loves nature and adventure. Located in the southern part of Peru, this tour takes you on a journey through some of the most spectacular landscapes in the world. The tour starts from Lima and takes you to the Paracas Bay to do the Ballestas Islands Boat Trip, where you can see an incredible array of wildlife, including sea lions, Humboldt penguins, sea birds and dolphins. Also, you will see “The Candelabro” (Candlestick), an enormous and mysterious geoglyph carved on the slope of a hill. Transfer (1-hour bus ride) to Ica City. The lunch will be at a restaurant housed inside a nearby winery in Ica (included). You can try wines and the famous Peruvian brandy known as "Pisco," which is produced by distilling fermented grape juice into high-proof alcohol, thanks to the region's sunny atmosphere. The last stop is the Huacachina Oasis, a picturesque lagoon surrounded by towering sand dunes. The oasis is said to have healing properties and many people come here to relax and unwind. This is followed by a high adrenaline experience that you will never forget the dune buggy tour and the sand boarding activity. The day tour is in shared service and includes transportation, tour guide, Ballestas Island boat tour, winery visit, lunch, buggy dune tour and sandboarding. Don't miss this once in a lifetime experience !!
Aventura en Buggy desde Punta cana Playa macao y cueva
Acompáñame a una emocionante y divertida aventura en “buggy car”, la misma recorrerá paisajes y plantaciones de café, cacao y tabaco. Nota: hay posibilidades de que el vehículo se apague por el agua y el fango pero nuestro mecánicos estarán ahí para ayudarles. Los buggy son dobles para 2 personas y familiar para 4 ( Las reserva son de 2 personas en adelante ) El recorrido empieza desde el momento que estés en nuestro transporte , dura en total de aproximadamente de 4 horas desde el momento de la recogida. Visitaremos una casa típica dominicana donde conocerá los diferentes procesos y productos de los cultivos recorridos y podrá deleitarse de un mundo nuevo de sabores y olores de nuestra patria. Continuaremos el recorrido en “buggy car” hacia Playa Macao. Permítase nadar en sus refrescantes aguas. Luego conduciremos hasta llegar a una cueva subterránea de aguas cristalinas, donde podrá disfrutar de un exótico y refrescante baño. Será un día al aire libre lleno de diversión para aquellos que buscan gozar de la belleza natural de la República Dominicana. Incluye: • Transporte ida y vuelta al hotel • Alquiler de los “buggy car” • Guías profesionales • Casco de Seguridad Recomendaciones: Cámara fotográfica Bloqueador solar Ropa deportiva y tenis Traje de baño Gorra, gafas y pañuelo Atención al cliente 24\7
La Leona Waterfall Hike
*** FREE roundtrip transportation provided from Curubande downtown to the Waterfall *** Let us know if you need transportation and we can quote you the service with a local driver from town. Our day starts by meeting at our office located 20 min away from Liberia downtown through the small villages of Colorado and Curubande. We count with two parking lots at our location in Curubande where you can leave your car safe while we do the hike. From Curubande we will take a 4WD for 1 km that will take us to the entrance of the waterfall trail and here is where the hike begins. The waterfall is well hidden away on the outskirts of Rincon de la Vieja Volcano . The trail is 1.3 Miles (2 Kilometers) singletrack so together it is 4 km. There are some climbing to do in elevation and some caves to go across. Later to reach the waterfall we have to swim 25 meters through a beautiful turquoise river canyon. This is a local experience that takes place where the Blanco and the Colorado rivers cross through, forming canyons and beautiful scenery which is why the water in their pools have that special turquoise tint.
Rainforest waterfall hike & El Yunque adventure with a local
Enjoy an adventure waterfall hike and rainforest visit for a unique rainforest experience as a local. Agenda: Expect a trilling 30 minute hike full of nature, 2 awesome natural waterfalls, multiple cliff jumps and the famous water-slide safe for all ages in the rain forest called El Yunque. See local biodiversity and explore this hidden gem of Puerto Rico full of breadfruits and guava trees. Learn about the history, fauna & flora of the rainforest. Please bring water, hiking shoes or shoes you don’t mind getting wet or muddy (NO FLIP FLOPS), and bathing suit. Remember, transportation not included. We meet in Fajardo, here you will FOLLOW the guide driving your OWN vehicle from the meeting point until we reach the rain-forest. TRANSPORTATION NOT INCLUDED. Uber and taxi NOT allowed. GOOD physical condition required. The hike for these outdoor wonders requires regular shoes with “good grip” that can get wet and muddy. The trail is very muddy and clothes will get fully wet. NO FLIPS FLOPS OR CROCS ALLOWED. Safety is my priority so Good Physical Condition required. Hike can be challenging for participants that are not active or exercise regularly. Bring water, towels/change of clothes for a full day of fun and beautiful new experiences. Tour start times can change depending on the season.
Wildlife Haven Sanctuary Protecting Endangered Animals
In the morning, a car will pick you up from your hostel or Airbnb and, if desired, from a designated meeting point, to take you to the sanctuary. Our team ensures a professional, empathetic, and ethical experience throughout the day. Our primary goal is to provide a unique and unforgettable encounter with native animals of the sierra and jungle area. During the tour, you will have the opportunity to observe a variety of animal species in their natural habitats. Some of the animals you may encounter include monkeys, macaws, turtles, deer, wild cats, alpacas, bears, foxes, condors, and many others. Our intention is not only to provide an enjoyable experience but also to educate participants about our mission. We actively invite schools and the general public to join us in fostering respect for nature and animals. Through our educational initiatives, we aim to teach children and visitors about the importance of preserving wildlife and habitats. As part of our mission, we work towards freeing some animals and rehabilitating them in their natural environments.Connecting with animals can be a truly unforgettable experience, and we strive to make it meaningful and impactful. After the tour, participants will have some free time. Our flexible approach allows us to accommodate the needs and preferences of our guests. We will ensure that you are safely transported back to your hostel